Monday, August 29, 2005


SpeakOut.Com : the place where you can make a difference !
What are the issues people are debating ? Whats making news ? Who's opinions are noteworthy?
You can "participate in online polls, send messages to elected officials, and sign petitions to help those in need. This and much more is"
SpeakOut. Be Heard. is a non-profit, member supported web site, supported by public funding and members.

Class - take a look at this site and tell me what you think about it ! Which issue did you find most interesting ? Did you learn something you didn't know before ?
This is a great place to find a topic to write on for a school project, or to keep up with the issues that are important !

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sacred Texts Archive

Sacred Texts Archive online has full text English translations of the
  • Tenakh
  • Talmud
  • Haggada
  • Kabbalah
  • Midrash
  • selected other texts from late Antiquity and Middle Ages
  • and some modern texts as well

all texts are within public domain, but links are provided to purchase the items in print or on cd-rom as you may not want to spend hours reading through the collection via a computer screen.

Sidebar menus for longer texts make it easier to navigate in long documents. A great research site if you don't have these resources on your bookshelves!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Shalom, and welcome to the Project Genesis Web Site -- your Torah Cyberspace Center! Via the Internet we're reaching thousands each week with our Jewish educational material, and we hope that our range of Torah archives, and our popular e-mail classes will meet your interests.
Project Genesis is a new and innovative organization, and one of the fastest-growing Jewish outreach programs today.
Project Genesis promotes further Jewish education about our Jewish roots, as represented in Jewish sources. Project Genesis believes that this is the best way to restore self-respect, self-confidence, and an interest in our own continuity, among modern Jewish collegiates and unaffiliated Jews worldwide. Project Genesis works to establish a strong Jewish identity, expand Jewish knowledge, and encourage its participants to become more involved with Judaism and the Jewish community.