Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Swastika through time

I never know where I'm going to end up when I start looking around the web, and while checking sites for human rights in China, I found an interesting page about the image of the Swastika from the Falun Dafa site -

"The swastika is an ancient symbol of good fortune embraced through the ages and around the world. However, many people today have vivid memories of Hitler's abuse of the swastika during World War II, associating it with the horrors of the Holocaust. Hitler misappropriated the swastika, distorting its meaning to millions of people. As a result, they are often surprised to see the swastika as part of the Falun, the symbol of Falun Dafa. "

the site has some interesting images, from a 1920's Arizona road sign to space galaxies, and an 11 minute video -

and a quick search finds plenty of other sites about the swastika image over 3,000 years [some even say 6,000 years)

The History of an Ancient Human Symbol

The History of the Swastika -

The swastika is widely revered in a large number of Native cultures,including those of the Navajo and Hopi peoples of Arizona.

We all tend to get wrapped up in our own perceptions, it's good to get a reminder now and then to open our minds and try to see the big picture !