Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What can we do ?

we've talked about Love thy Neighbor, Compassion, and Benevolence in class, and the question has been asked, are we, CST 8 & 9, going to collect $$ or do anything to help , and I hope the vote is YES !
please take some time to look at a couple of the Jewish Charities listed in the earlier posting below, see what work they have done, and then also take a look at a few of these other major non-Jewish organizations -
Salvation Army
America's Second Harvest
Clinton - Bush Katrina Fund
United Way
Habitat for Humanity
Red Cross
and even the -
Florida Hurricane Relief Fund
and Pet Disaster Relief Organizations
Humane Society of the US
Noah's Wish
and here are some non-Katrina, but local Tallahassee organizations that are working in our community to help families and those in need - there may be some contact and services for Katrina refugees who have come to our area -
The Shelter
Meals on Wheels - Tallahassee
Big Bend Hospice
Refuge House
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
and my favorite International organization
Doctors Without Borders

In other years, we've split the Tzedakah collected between or among more the one charity. I recall that following 9/11 our Tzedakah was divided between two 9/11 funds to help the families of survivors.
so CST 8 & 9 class -
please, look at the different programs, and be prepared on Sunday to explain to our class why you would nominate a particular organization or organizations for us to set as our Tzedakah goal ! They are all going to need support for many months to come.
Ms. Carol


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