Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Issues of Military Service

Compulsory Military Service in Israel

Amnesty International
The Israeli Government should seize the opportunity to recognize the right to refuse to perform military service for reasons of conscience, Amnesty International urged in a new report today, as the debate about compulsory military service is now firmly on the Israeli political agenda ( ISRAEL: The price of principles: Imprisonment of conscientious objectors.) 1999

Druze in Israel and the Question of Compulsory Military Service Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
The Amman Conference / Origins of Druze Political Loyalty / The First Military Nucleus / Compulsory Service Since 1956 / Building a Separate Identity / Obligations and Rights / Forging a New Reality / Remaining Problems / Confidence-Building Measures / A Bridge to Other Arab Communities / Responding to the Critics / Druze Solidarity / Summing Up / Suggestions for the Future

Military Service in the United States

PBS looks at military recruiters on high school campuses - you can watch this as a video or read the transcript - Special Correspondent John Merrow reports on military recruiting in high schools.

Selective Service System: Fast Facts. Conscientious Objection and Alternative Service. Information page from the US Federal government. "A conscientious objector is one who is opposed to serving in the armed forces and/or bearing arms on the grounds of moral or religious principles. "

Democratic Underground.com Was George Bush a draft dodger? "In recent days, George W. Bush has appeared at numerous military bases in a bid to bolster his image as commander in chief. With a back drop of flags and the faces of young military personnel, Bush has exhorted the troops with the co-opted slogan, "Let's Roll!" . . . Perhaps it is the wish of the 43rd president that the citizens of the U.S. never learned or have forgotten his own blemished military record and that of many of his most bellicose, militant advisors. Troubling accounts of his service history are not new and have been covered in major newspapers and books." awolbush.com

Bill Clinton on why he did not serve in Vietnam. Clinton's Draft Letter. After one week of answering questions about allegations of draft-dodging and one week before the New Hampshire primary, a letter surfaces in which a young Bill Clinton thanks a colonel for "saving me from the draft."Clinton defends the letter and questions the motives of his accusers.

The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It. PBS. "Millions of American soldiers fought for the liberation of Europe from Hitler's fascist grip during World War II. Yet 40,000 Americans refused to shoulder weapons in 'the Good War' because their consciences would not allow them to kill another human being. In the face of criticism and scorn, these men challenged the limits of democracy in wartime. Many participated in the social movements that transformed America in the years that followed. This is their story."

The U.S. military will be reinstating the draft by Spring 2005. This is from the Urban Legends site. There has been a rumor that Congress is passing legislation to reinstate a draft like the one used during the Vietnam War (a very unpopular war). Check out what Urban Legends says on this one in the Origins section.

Conscientious Objectors in the Civil War. From the "Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War".

American Friends Service Committee. What do the Quakers have to say about Conscientious Objectors? What happened to the Vietnam Conscientious Objectors ?

The Objector: Home of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors. CCCO supports and promotes individual and collective resistance to war and preparations for war.

Center on Conscience & War. To Extend and Defend the Rights of Conscientious Objectors to War and Violence.


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