Monday, October 10, 2005

Homework for week of Oct 10th - Due 16th

your homework this week class is to

1) read the article you got at the end of class Sunday 10/9 and be prepared to tell our class what issue was discussed, or important points of the article - tell us if you agreed with the authors or not, and why

2) if possible, while you are looking at the newspaper or magazines, bring in another article on any religious topic

a link to the PBS video about military recruitment in high schools is listed in the posting below -
and here is a link to another article
Military recruiters are now targeting sixth graders. Who's next ?
by Karen Houppert, from Nation magazine

remember, the links from this blog might help you find a topic to write about in one of your regular school classes ! ! !
Topics and information skills can transfer from our class to the real world !

See you at Yom Kippur services :-)

Ms. C.

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